When the site was hacked by the forces of evil last year, we had to remove several modules due to their vulnerability to future attacks. One of them was our awards module. Since we keep handing out awards and haven’t had anywhere to put them, we’ve developed a temporary fix. Awards are now being posted in each member’s respective profiles in the comments section towards the bottom of the page. This is a labor-intensive process and there’s still a ways to go, but we’re almost there. If there an award you’ve had in the past, it’s in your folder so go check it out and enjoy it again!
Vote now in the January Caption Contest! The polls are open until the end of the week. This was a great month full of really creative contest submissions. Come and check it out!
Voting for the December contest is going on now! Check out this month’s collection of contest caps. Click here for the contest board and go vote! The January contest will be ready soon so get ready. Make a New Year’s resolution to make a cap!
Also, if you have any ideas for future contests themes, please send me a message. I’ve looked at previous contests and have tried to do something different with the exception of Halloween (since that’s the best day of the year). I feel like the monthly themes have been played out, so I’d like to either find a creative twist or do something entirely different. For example, for March and St. Patrick’s Day, the only cap requirement is that it features a redhead. But, that’s where I’m going so help me out!
There’s still a day or two left to enter the January 2010 Caption Contest! Go check it out and get involved!