Ok I tried to send a PM to everyone but it keeps crashing so I will post here... sorry if you got this in PM already. and luckily, after Rachel dismembered me for asking for help before... she left one arm so I can still type this *giggle*
Things never quite go as we plan. Rachel was supposed to be done with her cancer treatment by now, but with the doctors adding more treatment sessions, and a personal family emergency pushing the schedule back even farther. Rachel is finally down to her last two treatments. One on Wednesday and the last one three weeks after... So THANK GOD her ordeal will be over in 4 weeks.
The delays have had an unfortunate side effect. The gracious donations from the members here have, with their big hearts, helped her pay bills and fund her recovery for the duration... but because of the delays... she has fallen a month short.
This will be my last time beseeching you wonderful Havenettes to aid our fearless leader in the darkest time of her life. If anyone can find in in their hearts to make a monetary donation to help out for this final month, I would forever be grateful. Any amount will help... you can make PayPal donations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As I have said before... Rachel has had our backs for so many years, I feel it is just our turn to show that we have hers.
As this will be the last time I will request this sacrifice from you, since Rachel will complete her dismembering job on me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.