Hej hej, it’s Martha asking for a favour … or rather asking if you want to do something nice to someone.

The „someone“ I’m talking about is our member „Unnamedprayer“ with the name Maren. Some of you may have already exchanged caps with her or read one of her comments, and maybe some of you read her posts about her accident that changed her life.

She was hit by a car while riding the bike and it turned out to be much worse than we all and I thought at first. I exchanged some private messages with her and she told me that the wheelchair is not only a temporary thing. Most parts of her body seem to be paralysed. This, in addition to her memory loss and already hard way to ‚recovery‘, is really one oft he worst changes to someone’s life I can imagine.

I know there are probably many others who have suffered from something bad in their life, but now that I and you all know about her fate I thought: Why not trying to make her smile. It won’t change anything, but it may help her forget the bad changes to her for some time.

I can only speak for myself, but I’m a very active person and suddenly not being able to walk anymore would be one of the worst things that could happen to me. The idea of having to be inside most of the time and not being able to do so many things anymore is really horrible to me. WHile I’m 99,9 % of the time in a very happy and good mood, this is something that would get me depressed and therefore I think that any distraction, even when it only comes from our small community, may help. Maybe you agree with me.

So, why not making her a little cap she may enjoy. You could say that you do this because of her very bad accident that caused the memory loss etc. you read about in her folder. I’m sure she’ll appreciate that.


Post scriptum: If anyone wants to write her the cap in German (she forgot big parts of her English knowledge due to the 1 month coma) I’m willing to translate it.

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