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Category: News
Published: 01 October 2013
Hits: 3039
As many are aware, Blogger has shown some serious holes in their protection of users in the past year and a half, mainly in regards to blogs removed by their owners (If you hadn't been aware,
click here to be redirected to a topic on the Haven listing hijacked Blogs). In order to prevent your own blog from suffering the same fate if you choose to delete it, there's only one simple step in order to prevent it:
Transfer the Blog to a new owner willing to make sure it stays dormant.
Why? If the blog's URL is still considered to be active, Blogger will not allow anyone to re-register it, thereby 'stealing' your followers since Blogger does not remove a deleted blog from anyone's subscription lists. The only secure way with the still unplugged holes in Blogger's system is to transfer it to a new owner. You'll likely find several prominent bloggers who would willingly accept ownership of the domain in order to prevent it from being hijacked, then all you have to decide is whether or not you want to delete any content or not. I do suggest posting a final message stating the blog to be dead, even if you write it and ask your new holder to post it.
For the record, I will happily take ownership of any Blogger URL in order to prevent it from eventually being used for clickjacking or phishing. You only need to contact me and I will help you get the ball rolling. Anyone who changes their mind later would only need to reach me again to regain control of their blog.