It's time to vote for your favorite Caption in the September 2009 Caption Contest!

If you're a member of the site, you can vote! You do not have to have gallery access, nor do you need to have made an entry. Please check it out and vote for your 3 favorites! The poll will be open for 10 days.

Also, it's time to enter the October 2009 Caption Contest! Come be part of the fun!

Due to our recent hacking, We've pushed up the release on an upgrade we had in development the last few months. Butwho could describe it better than the lead developer herself, Dementia?

"  ... simple to use and understand (I thought) ... minimalistiic (which is what i like).... "

Or how about our programming leader, Courtney?

" ... it is an extensible and dynamic link application that can expand and adapt as the need arises...  and it's one of Dee's crowning acheievments.... "

So have a look at our brand new toy as we upgrade and restore an old feature with a little new flair! You'll find it listed under 'Links' on the menu!



After months of work from several Haven members, Rachel's Toolbox has gotten a major face lift. Many of you recall the first version she put together. It was just some basics for GIMP and Paintbrush, but it gave many of us a start and a creative outlet. The new toolbox features tutorials on how to use Aviary, Comic Life, Gimp V2.1, Gimp v2.6, Paintbrush,, Photoshop, and Power Point.

Check it out with the link in the main menu!

Everyone on the planet can now find some way to make a caption. Some of these programs are freeware so you could start making yourself a captioned picture right now! A very special thanks goes out to the following for their contributions to making this a success. Thank you all very much for the time and effort you put into this.

Courtney, Jackie Blue, Zakiszak, Steffie, Josie Chung, Dementia, and naturally the one who made this all possible, Rachel.

It's time to vote for your favorite Caption in the July 2009 Caption Contest!

The voting poll was posted a little later than normal. I left a cheerleader in charge while I was on vacation and she got distracted by a shiny object. There was a great turn out this month, 34 entries! If you're a member of the site, you can vote! You do not have to have gallery access, nor do you need to have made an entry. Please check it out and vote for your 3 favorites! The poll will be open for 10 days.

If you haven't seen them yet, take a peek at the awards for the June contest. These get posted in the awards section of the winner's profile. This part of the Haven is temporarily down due to the recent technical issues [death to those who messed things up, karma will get you], but it will be restored shortly...and you know you want one of those cool pictures in your file.

Also, it's time to enter the August 2009 Caption Contest! Come be part of the fun!

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