It's something I feel enough people have asked for to warrant making it a possibility. ANY Yahoo! Group owner who wishes to post an image archive of their group is welcome to have theirs added!

The Yahoo! Groups archive will be displayed just like the Smartgroups archive, under a separate category, with a subcategory for each group. Like before, either permission from the group owner must be obtained, or proof of numerous attempts to contact the owner having been unanswered, at which time I would be willing to post them 'in good faith', meaning if later the owner appears and does not want it posted, it will be promptly removed from the Gallery.

This offer of an image archive extends to ANY community, not just Smartgroups or Yahoo! Groups. It is meant to act as an accessible image backup in case anything should happen to you group or community.

For more information, please check the 'News' article on the forums by clicking here .

After having had to deal with the work of a hacker taking the site down, the Bimbo's Sanctuary has returned to the web!

I would like to applaud the efforts of the Bimbo's Sanctuary staff in their efforts to bring the site back up so quickly! Hopefully, with what you find during the rebuilding process, we can all better protect our communities from people who choose to attack us!

 This is a Test of a New Function.  1

{cpgimage function=3; source=album=1,3,8;} 

 This is a Test of a New Function.  2

Thanks to my wonderful friend Cassandra, whenever you comment on a caption, drawing, or picture in the Gallery, it now WILL reflect in your post count! A little extra incentive to let those creative types know what you think!
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