Reviews For Pressing Buttons
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Title: Pressing Buttons with Jaime's World Reviewer: majmage Signed
Great story, love all the transformations! A small criticism is it seems a few transformations flitted by without the characters getting long enough to react to them, but overall a great read. Please keep writing!
Date: December 06, 2015 01:51 PM [Report This]
Title: Pressing Buttons with Jaime's World Reviewer: Chris Signed
I really enjoyed this story. I'd read the first two a while ago, and this was a nice continuation. I'm a huge fan of mental transformations so it was nice to see some in this installment. I'd really have enjoyed seeing a little more, but perhaps we can save that for the future. Keep up the great writing.
Date: October 01, 2012 06:39 PM [Report This]
Title: Pressing Buttons with Jaime's World Reviewer: joeberan Signed
I love it. Many varied TFs and exciting twists and turns. It pressed my buttons.

That being said there did seem to be some confusion near the end, in the writing. Not sure if that was intentional or not but there was a lot of jumping between pronouns which made the story somewhat muddled in places.
Date: September 30, 2012 11:27 AM [Report This]
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